WhatsApp Image 2023-08-27 at 18.41.04
WhatsApp Image 2023-08-27 at 18.40.33
medicinal plant biodiversity conservation
plant health
  1.  Conservation and Biodiversity: We specialize in designing and implementing conservation strategies that safeguard valuable ecosystems and protect biodiversity.
  2.  Environmental Management: Our consultancy services cover a wide range of environmental issues to sustainable land use and natural resources conservation.
  3.  Ecosystem Management: With a holistic approach, we help clients manage and restore ecosystems to achieve long-term ecological balance. Our expertise spans forest management, watershed protection, cropland improvement, and rangeland/habitat restoration contributing to health and resiliency of both local and global ecosystems
  4. Sustainable Agriculture: We empower agricultural enterprises to thrive in a competitive landscape while minimizing environmental impact. By integrating modern technologies and sustainable practices, we assist farmers in optimizing yields, conserving resources, and adopting climate smart strategies.
  5. Climate resilience: As climate change poses increasingly complex challenges, we collaborate with communities, businesses, and government to develop robust climate resilience plans. Our solutions encompass disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and mitigation strategies to ensure secure future for generation to come.
  6. Biodiversity conservation and utilization: We provide advisory services on biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants for pharmaceutical and health care industries.


  1.  To characterize biodiversity and ecosystems.
  2. To develop and promote environment, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and management strategies.
  3.  To provide advice on strategic utilization of biodiversity and ecosystems.
  4. To build capacity on community-based environment, biodiversity and ecosystems conservation.
  5. To conduct tailor made training on environment, ecosystem management, and biodiversity conservation.
  6. To promote climate resilient agriculture in different ecosystems on large scale  landscape.
  7.  To apply remote sensing and GIS techniques to map biodiversity and ecosystems for sustainable management.
  8. To characterize soils for agriculture, ecosystems and rangeland management.
  9.  To deploy ecosystem approach to manage plant diseases on ecological landscape.
  10. To undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for different development programs/projects.
  11. To promote biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management for sustainable economic growth, competitive agriculture and climate resilience.
  12. To carry out soil health assessment for sustainable crop production and pasture improvement.
  13.  To carry out socio-economic studies in natural resources, agriculture and environment projects.
  14. To provide technical backstopping in project proposals development.